Step into the enchanting world of Studio Ghibli’s Kiki’s Delivery Service with the latest addition to the Ghibli’s Dining Table series—a delightful cookbook featuring mouthwatering recipes straight from the beloved 1989 animated film.
From Gütiokipänjä’s mountain-shaped bread to Tombo’s beloved cookies, and from Osono’s comforting milk soup to Kiki’s signature browned pancake, this picture cookbook captures the essence of the film’s culinary delights. Original recipes inspired by Kiki’s Delivery Service, such as Magic Berry Soda and Witch’s Ribbon Snack, offer a whimsical twist on classic favorites.
Designed for both young and adult fans alike, these recipes are crafted with ingredients readily available in supermarkets and are presented with detailed instructions and vibrant photos. Each recipe is accompanied by a difficulty level marker, ensuring that cooks of all skill levels can enjoy the magic of Ghibli cuisine.
Prepare to embark on a culinary adventure as the cookbook hits shelves on March 14, 2024, available for ¥1,760 JPY (approximately $10 USD) on Amazon Japan. Get ready to bring the flavors of Kiki’s world into your own kitchen!”